Annual Report 2013

The International Research & Training Centre for Sustainability (IRTC), the training facilitator organisation (member of DKG Group) has the honor and pleasure to organize and contributing to a series of innovative training seminars believing that beyond Value for Money offers a new concept in industry!!

IRTC last year organized the following training seminars:

1. “Sales Skills for Non Sales People in Branding Era” - HAIFA SEE -

2. "Total Greenhouse Management Seminar" - AGRIS SA-
The seminar was intented to help the people of Agris related to the business in the region to understand the advantages of the hydroponic cultivation. 


3. "Marketing & Branding of Agricultural Products", in cooperation with the Training Department of TUV HELLAS (TUV NORD) S.AAs agricultural production does not stop at harvest but requires customer satisfaction to achieve a sale, the seminar presents practical ways to create loyalty customers and eventually repeated sales of products/services.


4. "Total Quality Management Topic", -University of Macedonia,Thessaloniki-


 5. "Biomatic Seminar on Vineyards & Wines - From Branding to Field-",


6. "The Hydroponic Greenhouse & Contracting Farming Seminar" - KEK DRAMAS-

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